Hi Nick and welcome to the forum!
Nick wrote:
As for the flying saucers, they leave you alone at lower altitudes and shutting down the your ships systems when landed is how you break a turrets lock on you.
I do remember that the saucers can't go below a certain point in the original. I will copy that behaviour to my version. Didn't know about breaking a turret's lock by powering down, will implement that also
Nick wrote:
1. I don't recall being able to fly upside down (and then land upside down

) in the original, but flying upside down isn't a major issue, just maybe have the craft right itself when landing.
You're right, in the original you could not fly upside down, which I imagine was more a limitation of the tech at the time. You definitely could not land upside down, the landing process in my remake is something I need to do a lot of work on. I added the ability to fly upside down in the remake to allow full freedom of movement - particularly in the pre-0.5 builds where the flight controls did not automatically yaw.
Nick wrote:
2. After watching the video for 0.5.0 the way the Jaggi turrets fire at you was good effect, it gave sense of awesomeness as you flew through the incoming fire to destroy it, so maybe it might be an idea to keep that for when the turrets are taking random potshots at you and then when it has a lock on it fires the beam laser?
I admit I miss the bullet or "bolt" type weapons the turrets used in 0.5, even though in the original they never used such a weapon, it was always the beam. I like your suggestion to have them only use the beam once they lock on, I think that's a good compromise that would allow me to again implement the bolt weapon I liked so much
Nick wrote:
Other things like being able to re-orientate the craft when landed but with the systems still on and the like have already been mentioned.
I think this was implemented in 0.6, though I neglected to mention it in the changelog.
Nick wrote:
I hope you are still able to find time to work on this because so far it is great
Time is constrained but I am still finding bits of time here and there to work on it. 0.7 is definitely in progress
Thanks for your feedback!
- Luke