My article about making aliens more cunning (tricky, inventive) is down bellow in this post.
But before talking about aliens, first allow me to introduce myself: I am Pavel, a mathematical programmer from Prague. I love strategy games and epic fantasy. Fractalus is probably the most memorable game from my 8-bit Atari years (and don't ask me how much the jump scared me!).
I have written many ideas to this forum. And while I was writing them, more and more things came to my mind, so a rich
fantastic universe emerged in my imagination, with
planets, races, history,
technologies, various types of enemy
other aircrafts and cunning alien impostors (alien diversionists). A world where the player can choose from several
ships, whose devices like hull, engine, weapon or
radar can be
damaged and
Many of these ideas would take so much labor that they are far beyond what I expect that would be acceptable for Luke. Fortunately, it is not my job to decide

I decided to include also these extravagant ideas, because they may bring some inspiration.
I believe that presenting an elaborate and convincing (consistent) fictinal world (universe) - with explanations and stories and history - can sparkle much of imagination (fantasy) of other people, and some ideas that arise from this can perhaps be acceptable for Luke. So I tried to make my world breathing and consistent as much as I could (I know it is not perfect). More stories will come when I start writing a model (example) campaign.
Which Suggestion to Start With
My personal estimate of what might have the best "benefit to labor ratio" is:
- Cunning aliens knocking at airlock and using other tricks (see bellow)
- Damage from Aliens should be cumulative so that many aliens, each having time only for very few hits, can destroy the front glass.
- The game should be highly customizable, with different aspects of difficulty adjustable independently.
- Some kind of a threat incresing in time (several ideas are here) should be added because now the game is imho too easy after I destroy most of the turrets.
And maybe also - this is the second wave far behing the first one - a variety of
mission objectives, diverse enemy
turrets and
fighters, each requiring various game style/approach to defeat - and also a choice of
player's craft and the possibility of damage to
various ship devices.
What I Would Personally Like Most
This is my personal preference, I don't know if it reasonable in terms of benefit to labor ratio, in terms of Luke's vision and in terms of preference of an average player.
I my view current Remake 1.0.0 (and the original game) is very simple - one type of turret, one kind of saucer, very straitforward control of the ship etc. And it is an action-oriented game of quick reflexes. I prefer games where the player has to think and plan. And therefore if I am to chose several "personal favorites" which I would like most out of my suggestions, it would be:
Index of the Following Articles (Well, "Table of Content" would be a better word)
Here I will shortly sum up what I have written in the following posts. It happens to be structured in several thematic "chapters" and I think that they are ordered starting with ones with the best benefit : effort ratio (because I started with the ones that I estimated to be most promising).
Chapter One: Most Important Ideas:
P517 - P522: Cunning aliens, damage to player's ship
devices, independent setting of
difficulty aspects, a didactic
campaign with diverse mission objectives...
Chapter Two: Various Example Lists
P523 - P531: I propose lists of enemy
large aircrafts and also a choice of several
player's aircrafts.
Chapter Three: The Strategic Path
P532 - P539: I propose how to introduce dogfighting, maneuvering and ideas shifting the game toward
strategic thinking and planning ahead.
Interlude: The Fictive Fractalus Universe
I try to introduce a logically consistent, breathing
universe with
planets, races, history,
technologies etc. which the player will slowly, step-by-step,
Chapter Four: Choosing What Equipment To Load
Coming soon. Here I will suggest that player can freely choose what equipment to load (within his ship's limited cargo space). Guns, rays, machine-guns, various kind of missiles, radars of various
repair droids or temporary boosters for speed, shields etc.
Update (late April 2022): Luke wrote to me that he would read my suggestions when he has time; after briefly looking through the ideas he said that many of them are similar to his own plans, but moving the game more toward strategy would deviate significantly from the original game. And that he does not want to add storyline if it does not take inspiration from original game's story: "There are elements from the original game's manual that hint at a backstory that isn't told in the original game" - Luke knows them but I do not, so I will NOT elaborate the chapter 6 mentioned bellow. I believe chapter 4 is sufficiently hinted in this post and there is no need to elaborate details, particularly not before I know a lot more about Luke's intentions. And as for chapter 5, I don't know if I will post something.
Chapter Five: Campaigns and Scenarios
I'm going to offer various ways how to organize the content to give player more thrill. For example a sequence of missions where the state (quality, damage, equipment) of player's ship depends on how well he did in the previous mission. As it is in Panzer General 1, but with a very limited load/save option.
Chapter Six: Tales and Storylines
This is one that I have not thought throw enough (as of early April 2022), but I believe I will come with an interesting storyline for the
main campaign and probably more
(TODO_LINK). And I look forward to it very much. Currently I think that the main campaign could have the following parts:
- New to the squadron: The player is explained the basic concepts (aliens, turrets, damage, fighters etc.). He soon impresses his commander Timothy and is tasked with teaching newcomers, including Timothy's sister, beautiful and talented Samantha. He must look after them in their first combat missions (he must give them a chance to practice fighting the enemy aircrafts, but ideally not to get harmed *too* much... Afterall, what is downed can be rescued... If the enemy does not get there first
- Planes and Planets: The player is introduced step-by-step to various planets and various ships that he can fly; he must choose the reasonable ship for each mission. The game gradually gets harder, the player fights also against huge Yetti on a frozen planet and human rebels on a ore-rich jungle planet.
- Diplomacy and Espionage: The Central Command tries to make peace with other races so he can focus on the Jaggi and find their homeworld. There will be missions like "save enemy defector" or "rescue pilots but you must not shoot at the enemy if he does not first". The player also rescues downed Samantha and in one mission he competes against her who shoots down more enemies.
- The Conquest of Fractalus: In a surprising discovery, Fractalus is the homeworld of the Jaggi who live deep under the ground. The player will help the allied forces build a base on Fractalus and bring the war to an end.
The player will defend the base against bombers, serve as a transport ship... He is promoted to commodore and maybe we could even decide that in some missions he is accompanied with several friendly aircrafts (which can be shot down and if he does not rescue them, he will have a smaller accompany in the next mission).
The final mission to erradicate Jaggi military command (just like the WWII allies defeated Japanese and German militarist to give freedom and prosperity to their people) will be particularly hard.
Of course there will also be many "more normal" missions among those described here. Such as rescuing pilots in different circumstances: In a dust storm with turbulences and limited visibility... Or with some kind of
radar malfunction. Or despite enemy
elite fighters and a dangerous
Dominators trying to chase you... Or despite enemy
bombers (or troop transports) trying to kill the pilots (or replace them with impostors) faster than you can rescue them.
Cunning (Tricky) Aliens
This post in nutshell: To make the game more tense, I'd like aliens to damage the front window glass cumulatively and to use cunning tricks, for example knocking the door in a way that needs some degree of player's attention to distinguish.
Hi, I think that it is not hard to achieve a such a "fry the alien" reflex that aliens pose no threat: the player knows that he can always kill the alien in time. I think this is a pity: No threat means no thrill and tension.
Cumulative Damage from Aliens
I would strongly recommend that the front window can take only as many blows (hits, strikes) of alien's fist, so
a certain number of aliens, each having time to deliver only very few strikes, would gradually destroy the front glass. This would act as a second life-meter. I believe that the thrill and tension would greatly increase even if this life meter was relatively meek (forgiving).
Alien Knocking on Airlock Door
I would also like if
some aliens tried to knock the airlock door for some time before jumping: they are cunning and they pretend to be the pilot. The sound would be clearly different from the knock of the pilot, but at higher levels the difference would be smaller, the alien could knock longer before jumping...
I even slightly consider what it would be like if it was not the sound of the knock that lets the player find out; it would be a very distinctive difference (from genuine pilots) in the frequency of knocks or the rythm etc. To make the game fair, this difference would have to be very striking, but at higher levels the difference would gradually diminish, so the player really has to listen a bit carefully. I think this would add to the intense feeling in the game.
Pilots knocking on a window and aliens immitating them
Then I have one more idea, one that might take more labor to implements: Let's say that some pilots have the unfortunate habit of knocking "Hey, let me in" on the front window rather than the airlock door, so the player has to unlearn his reflex to immediatelly kill anything that jumps (or rises or reaches or how to say it) to the front window.
And as the aliens are really cunning, they try to make use of this habit of some pilots:
* They will knock in a similar way as the pilots - this can mean many things: if, for example, the pilot knocking "let me in" has a completely different body position (he does not reach as high as a jumping alien etc.), the aliens can try to immitate them.
* They will gradually be more and more similar to human pilots, for example they do not completely remove their helmet before jumping. So the player would have to pay some degree of attention to distinguish them quickly. Also, killing a true pilot should be punished by some kind of very intense penalty (I don't know, for example mission cannot end with success). This would also make me fight the turrets more carefully when a crashed ship is near

Independent aspects of difficulty
These features could be optional; I could easily imagine that piloting difficulty (ship maneuvarability, turbulences etc.), combat difficulty (turret density...) and alien difficulty could be set independently to create variety of game experiences and to fulfill the preferences of many players.
To that's it for aliens; I really enjoy the remake and I will post other ideas soon. I'll be glad to hear your opinion.
PS: In one of the later posts I suggest that it would be nice if the player could see enemy troop transports
searching and replacing the pilots with aliens.
PPS: I think this could be a funny objective for one of the missions in the
Jaggi colonel Dah'ga'rah Han passionately disagrees with Jaggi cruelty and enslaving weaker races. He has been giving us a valuable intelligence which significantly helped us to defend against the Jaggi. But now the Jaggi know that they have a mole (=spy, informer, traitor) in their midst. It is only a matter of time till they discover him.
He tried to escape but was shot down. Take him aboard - he is in a crashed ship and transmits human emergency code in order to hide from Jaggi. Take him aboard! He will run to your ship and gently knock at your front window. You will tell him from other Jaggi aliens by a huge scar under his left eye.
Some of our downed pilots can give you hints where to find him. If possible, take also his two aides which have been shot down elsewhere on the planet. You can recognize the colonel and his aides because they will knock only with one hand while malevolent aliens knock by both hands. Open the airlock and let them in.
The colonel knows many valuable secrets: Bring him alive at any cost!