Hey again! It has been a while
Golden Gun wrote:
- Had to play on med graphics and no dust for it to be smooth (system specs forth coming).
- The setting sun was visible through the mountains peaks while it set. Basically it was setting in front the mountains instead of behind

- I noticed skin crawl on the ground texture if I skimmed the mountains. It looked like it was moving.
I have a machine with a similar Intel integrated video chip, and I have noticed that the performance is quite lacking. I've been looking at ways to optimise the terrain render, as that is what kills the performance the most but I haven't yet implemented anything.
The sun setting in front of the mountains is due to the Intel chips not supporting the OpenGL extension I use (GL_ARB_occlusion_query) to test the visibility of the sun. The lack of extension support on the older integrated chips also affects the viewscreen in the HUD (at least, on my hardware it does). There are ways to do the same things without extensions, but I have yet to implement them
I've noticed that 'crawling' effect as well on the Intel chip. That one has me mystified - I have no idea what's happening there!
Golden Gun wrote:
- Not a graphics thing, but I had to guess at the keys to do the different actions since there is no keyboard guide. It
HAS been 20-odd years since I played the original

. But I LOVE the invert option!
If you press F1 while in-game, a help screen will appear showing the keys and what they do. Eventually I'll be adding full control customisation (also supporting mouse/joystick) - the options menu in 0.6 is the first step towards that
Thanks again for all the feedback!