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by Loafmeister
2018-Aug-01 12:33
Forum: Fractalus
Topic: 0.8.0 feedback
Replies: 10
Views: 151324

Re: 0.8.0 feedback

Oh my goodness, I stopped in to see if there was new development and just noticed that yes, you have released a new build with Unity support. It's a little late here to try it out but I will this weekend for sure and supply my comments afterwards.

Out of curiosity, you had indicated previously you ...
by Loafmeister
2016-Feb-04 14:57
Forum: Fractalus
Topic: Fractalus 0.7.0 alpha released!
Replies: 8
Views: 95485

Re: Fractalus 0.7.0 alpha released!

I almost forgot! I did try your game and IMHO it's a lot of fun, has the same feeling as the original (minus the little rescued pirates and of course the big scary). I think the core gameplay is captured right and that's what counts. I had fun flying the craft around, the fractal landscape looks ...
by Loafmeister
2016-Feb-04 14:31
Forum: Fractalus
Topic: Fractalus 0.7.0 alpha released!
Replies: 8
Views: 95485

Re: Fractalus 0.7.0 alpha released!

Hi Loafmeister and welcome to the forum!

I'm definitely still considering switching to a different engine and I have begun prototyping a Unity-based version of Fractalus. So far it looks promising but it's very early stages yet.

Oculus support would be really cool, I have an Oculus DK1 myself. I ...
by Loafmeister
2016-Jan-11 16:13
Forum: Fractalus
Topic: Fractalus 0.7.0 alpha released!
Replies: 8
Views: 95485

Re: Fractalus 0.7.0 alpha released!


One of my top 20 favorite games of all time, it's a sight to see that you have worked on this recreation! I'll be testing this out tomorrow night (it's almost 3am here!) but wanted to post a thank you.

Question: I see from one of your blog posts that you were considering changing engines ...