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by trekkie22
2019-Oct-27 23:01
Forum: Fractalus
Topic: Fractalus 0.9.0 alpha released!
Replies: 23
Views: 209315

Re: Fractalus 0.9.0 alpha released!

I just played the original and did a comparison. I found the following things that are different in the remake - I list everything I found so far, even If it is already known. I list the behaviour of Rescue on Fractalus, because I think the behaviour of the remake is well known.

Boosters: As soon ...
by trekkie22
2019-Oct-11 06:26
Forum: Fractalus
Topic: Fractalus
Replies: 19
Views: 306379

Re: Fractalus

1. I don't recall being able to fly upside down (and then land upside down :lol:) in the original, but flying upside down isn't a major issue, just maybe have the craft right itself when landing.

You're right, in the original you could not fly upside down, which I imagine was more a ...
by trekkie22
2019-Oct-11 05:23
Forum: Fractalus
Topic: Fractalus 0.9.0 alpha released!
Replies: 23
Views: 209315

Re: Fractalus 0.9.0 alpha released!

Do you have a list of missing things? If it helps, I can try to find differences and make a list of them.

I really love Rescue on Fractalus since the first time I played it about 30 years ago. Would love to help you with the remake. :)
by trekkie22
2019-Oct-11 05:05
Forum: Fractalus
Topic: Fractalus
Replies: 19
Views: 306379

Re: Fractalus

One other thing is that sometimes when landed and the pilot started to run to ones ship they sometimes could be alien so if you open your airlock and let him in he would kill you and the those you had saved. That is also something I miss in your game. I did let an alien in one time in the old game ...