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Posted: 2012-May-07 14:42
by krille70
Hello everybody.
I have to say that I really like your game. It made me remember when I use to play Rescue on Fractalus on my Atari 130XE. And I really love that game. I have try to find something that looks like it many times for PC and never found it. Now I have. But I have to say that when one get to level 6 the game become very hard to play. I always get hit by the flying saucer and have to start all over. But otherwise this game is great in my eyes. I love it a lot and play it often. Well thank you for a great game.

Re: Fractalus
Posted: 2012-May-07 15:12
by Luke
Hi krille70, and welcome to the forum!
Thanks for the feedback. I have been reviewing the saucer behaviour and I agree that they can be quite a problem. I think I should reduce the damage they do and how far they throw your ship off its course.
I recall in the original the saucers would leave you alone if you landed or stayed low to the ground, but I'm not sure that was actually the case.
Re: Fractalus
Posted: 2012-May-07 19:06
by krille70
If I remember correct the saucer would leave you alone if you shut down. And that because they couldn't see you then since your ship didn't send out any signal or enige nosie. But as soon as one switched one ship on they came and attacked one. I played this game a lot when I was younger. And I still like to play your version too. Because it is always fun to see people who like these old games too. One other thing is that sometimes when landed and the pilot started to run to ones ship they sometimes could be alien so if you open your airlock and let him in he would kill you and the those you had saved. That is also something I miss in your game. I did let an alien in one time in the old game and he killed all the pilot I had rescue and then he killed me too. So one had to be careful so that one didn't let an alien onboard.
Re: Fractalus
Posted: 2012-May-07 20:55
by Luke
It makes sense about your ship shutting down and emitting no signal. I've added that to my list of things to do for the next build
Unfortunately I haven't yet implemented aliens approaching your ship, that's something else to come in a future build.
Re: Fractalus
Posted: 2013-May-09 22:34
by Michael
I really like to see, what you are doing.
I have been wishing for a remake of the old Rescue On Fractalus game since - forever.
Glad somebody started this project.
Are you still developing this game?
There is not much traffic going on in this forum, so I was not sure.
Do you plan to implement a cockpit?
It would make a great visual impression to have one, I guess - even if it`s simple.
Re: Fractalus
Posted: 2013-May-10 05:59
by Luke
Hi Michael, welcome to the forum!
Thanks for the feedback!
I am still developing it, although the time that I can dedicate to the project is quite limited. The next build, 0.7, is being worked on
I am planning to implement a cockpit, I have so far drawn up some rough prototype designs but nothing final. I want to imitate the original cockpit as much as possible, while still modernising the design.
Re: Fractalus
Posted: 2013-May-10 12:01
by Michael
May I ask what program you used to draw the cockpit?
Re: Fractalus
Posted: 2013-May-11 19:22
by Luke
I use
Inkscape and
GIMP for graphics work, and
Blender for 3D modelling, however there are no 3D models in use in Fractalus currently. I am still yet to decide whether to use an image overlay or a model for the cockpit.
Re: Fractalus
Posted: 2013-May-29 23:20
by Michael
When you decide to go with a 3D-model, you would still have to make the textures to overlay, no?
But then you could implement the 3D-model in another alpha first and see how it works.
Have you seen the cockpit from the ATARI 7800 version of RoF? ... Bw&dur=658
Maybe that gives you a start?
Re: Fractalus
Posted: 2013-May-30 15:51
by Luke
Yes I would still need to make the textures for a 3D model if I used one. There are some advantages and disadvantages to using a textured model versus an image overlay. If I were to use a model, I could have the lighting affect the cockpit which would be a nice effect, but I also have to be wary of near-clipping when rendering a model around the camera. It would potentially be easier to do an image overlay, but it may not look as good. Hence why I am still deciding which to do
I hadn't seen the Atari 7800 version's cockpit before as I've only played the C64 version of RoF, and I am basing the remake on the C64 version. I should get a copy of the Atari version and have a look at the graphics, especially the cockpit as it looks more detailed than the C64 version.